I installed a 9 inch square rock face on a vertical section of a mountain. After doing the striations and staining I covered it with 2 coats of mod podge. I have decided that I don’t like the color and I want to redo this section. What is the best way to remove it now that I have covered it with mod podge?
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What is the rock face made out of and the structure of the mountain
If it's like mine, foam, followed by sculptamold, followed by rock castings, then a hammer and chisel come to mind.
It is a cardboard web base covered with 4 layers of plaster wrap. On top of that is carving plaster.
The issue is I already sealed the stain with mod podge so I can’t simply remove the stain.
I found that if you spray the surface with water and use a fine wire brush it takes off the sealer and stain leaving the carving plaster .
My opinion..
Now that it is all dry, I would just paint over the whole rock surface with a thinned down mixture of latex flat black and water. Maybe add a little earth color to the mix if you are so inclined.
Not sure what your term staining means but I would then repaint with cheap tube acrylics.
With a neutral gray, burnt and raw umber, burnt and raw sienna plus some off white, I can duplicate any color rock you would want.
Just my two cents, I do not see a need to cut it out if you like the casting, just not the finish.
Before and After: