is it a good idea to replace batteries in mth ps-2 engined with bcr2 units?
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The answer seems to depend on who you ask.
I have some G scale engines that I bought used and I only run in the summer outside. When the batteries failed, I put in the caps. One or two of those didn't like the caps! If you run the engines more than once a year (monthly), I think the battery is a good way to go. If you run outside in Phoenix, AZ., maybe not.
I've bought used engines that the batteries were uncharged. Most of those charged up and worked well afterwards. I've had a few used engines that the batteries failed on and I just don't know their full history. Most if not all of the engines that I bought new, still use the original battery. Some are over ten years old.
When strange problems pop up with certain engines, I look at the battery first and decide if it needs replacing. Most of the time they just get an overnight charge with the external charger.
Ted is that you asking? Ever open those engines up and check the speakers on those 5v Proto2 units?
You know it is even a better idea to run your trains more than once a century too!
I got about 7 years out of two of my MTH engines original batteries. I replaced them with BCR's and don't have to worry about them any more. The BCR's work great!