I purchased an MTH BUDD car set w/ protosound. Item #: 30-2144-1. When I put the engine on the track, it does not sit in neutral, it moves forward. When I power down the transformer and power up, it still moves forward, it does not go into neutral or reverse. Any help?
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Reset the system. You can select that action. One of my MTH PS-2 3 rail engines is set to only run forward with any throttle movement.
how do i do that? There is a switch underneath - do I move that one was or the other?
It may be locked in forward. To unlock, power the loco up to 8 volts and press and hold the horn button while turning the throttle off. Release the horn button. After 3 seconds, a single bell should be heard, then immediately power up the throttle and test. A reset 18 is also recommended. If that doesn’t work, the transistor or relay on the power board may be shorted.
That doesn't work because while 8 at volts it seems to remain in place, once I increase the power per your suggestion, it just takes off forward like a rocket. Any other ideas?
what is reset 18?
Try a low enough voltage to get it moving, then try the unlock procedure. If that doesn’t work, it may be a power board problem.
First this is suppose to be a PS-1 engine. Does it start up with sounds when moving or just start moving? It may not be PS-1 any more, or maybe someone swapped in a non PS-1 engine and it has a DCRU. There would be a switch for locking the DCRU in a direction. Move switch to other position and it may resolve this. Until this is opened and inspected you really do not know what you have. Additionally, if a pinched motor wire the engine can also move on power up. G