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I plan to add another route on my AF layout using about 10 of the 36" straight tracks.  I have plenty of Flyer track, Johnson rubber roadbed for it, and enough rubber roadbed for my 54" diameter curves.  There is nothing available for the 36" straight sections.  I want the noise deadening quality and plan to get some 1/8" thick gasket rubber under the ties.  But I want to get the visual effect all blended in.  I'm thinking of getting some dimensional lumber at my local Lowes and ripping it with 45-degree angles, paint it black and hope it blends with the rest to put along the track edge.  Any other practical ideas from you guys?



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When I built my two loops a few years ago, I used some of the Kline straights also, the 36" ones.  I had the Johnson road bed and realized that the tie cut outs didn't match, just as you have found out...What I did was slightly loosen the track ties to line up with the road bed and they dropped right in...Took a little extra time, but was well worth it...



I opted to use 10 inch straights to avoid the exact problem you are talking about.  The problem with repositioning the ties on the 36 inch straights is that an obvious crimp is left behind where they were.  It is a shame Lionel does not make them in 30 inch sections with the ties positioned like three regular straights.  They would be more usable that way.

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