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Found a used one for a good deal, and it is actually quite close to scale based upon my own research (found a railroad museum with measurements of their real one), or at least close enough for me.  I do see I might add/change some details eventually but I am pleased with it so far.  For outdoors use (my eventual goal) this will be great.

I gotta say I am impressed compared to the stuff I have been messing around with (G scale/older O gauge).  This one has PS2.  I can probably do without the announcements, I only really *need* the bell, whistle, and chuffing but the startup and shutdown is nice.  I do wish the volume would go down one more notch before shutting off completely.

Boy does it put out the smoke!  My wife promptly forbid "smoke on" in the house before I even got it into the house - I was just testing on a  test track in the garage. 

Are there 2 rail wheelsets/trucks for these?

Last edited by hlfritz
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