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 We were trying different things, chasing bugs and issues. Two remotes refused to run a pair of MTH Dreyfuss steam engines. The lead engine would not move. I added them to a tablet, and they ran. I believe the lead PS3 version will now need the same modification to the power pick-up that I just did to the PS2 version. Running them hard with smoke, seems to cause the pick-ups to fail. I found that one side of the engine does not have a good power source spread out over the length. So I added a wiper to help with this on the PS2 trailing engine. The PS3 is next.

I had many issues that had my head spinning. My basement G scale which has run well for years, all of a sudden would not run?

It ended up to be the main wires from the transformer were not making contact. The spades on the wires did not touch the terminals properly. After tracing down the issue, I slid them inside the holes and tightened down the binding posts. All is well there now. One down, six? to go!

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