My 6-11229 Milwaukee Road S-3 Northern has the 2 Blinks Diagnostic code - Smoke 1 element problem. The main smoke unit does not work - no smoke and no motor noise. The smoke unit did not work, worked for a while and now does not work. I did engine resets etc. Ideas for a fix? How hard is working on this smoke unit? Any parts available before Lionel starts up their parts department? Thanks Bruce
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This engine has 4 screws to remove the shell. The smoke unit is a duel unit and there is a real good chance your gonna ruin the gasket .. Theres 2 elements you will be able to tell cause the main smoke stack attaches to that one .. Most of us have extra elements and motors. I even bought a extra gasket cause the vision line challenger takes the same one.
Before you dismantle the smoke unit, check that the plug from the wire harness is plugged in completely. (Check the plugs on both ends of the harness.) I have found that a loose plug can also cause the 2-blink code, as a bad connection can be electrically the same as a failed smoke element.
as you say that the smoke unit has been temperamental in the past, this may be more likely than if it had just suddenly failed.
I have run into what Nicole outlined. Go for that. If that does not help, take your ohm meter and hit the ends of the smoke heater. You should see 8 ohm if it is good. If you do not see that, replace.
Thanks for your ideas and as soon as I can get to it I will open the engine up. Tue night I demonstrated the use of the CabL TPC and Legacy to the train club members and the smoke was working. This AM no smoke.
Any chance you are flooding the smoke unit?
Any chance you are flooding the smoke unit?
That's a good point Fred. I have managed to do that once myself, and received the 2 blink code. After leaving the engine overnight to dry out a bit it was fine afterwards.
Fred & Nicole the engine has sat for at least a week and I have turned it upside down. The blowdown steam works. I am still trying to get to the engine but the smoking caboose gets attention first. Thanks Bruce