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Yesterday, for the 1st time in a couple of years, I added a siding to my layout using a Ross switch with DZ1000 switch machine.

After burning out the DZ1000 It occurred to me that I read years ago that the Zstuff machines could not be operated thru a Lionel

Accessory switch controller.  Is there any way to do that?  I am assuming the answer is no, and am using my spare DZ for the siding.  I will have to run it thru an SCII which presents another problem.  Although the SCII manual says not to power the unit thru the wall wart if switches are being controlled.  This SCII is powered by a wall wart and is currently controlling 4DZ machines flawlessly.  My question is, if I program the SCII as accessories = 0, will I then be able to power 6 dzs, and will the wall wart power continue to work.  There are several discrepancies and omissions in  the manual and I would like to clarify how to hook up six dzs without burning anything else out.

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