I could be doing it wrong but its it not as easy with this site as it used to be? Having to go through advanced search, select the member etc. Before I could just click my name anywhere I saw it and jump straight to all posts. I use this feature to find replies to threads I post in etc.
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Yeap, would be way easier to have the link to recent posts!
You have the technique, and yes, it's harder than it used to be.
I haven't played with it a great deal but I have also been able to use it to find particular threads by a certain member. For example, any post where Rich mentions the word "lashup". My point is that the new search is pretty powerful if we learn to use it well.
Another feature which is very poor is the scroll feature to go back to previous pages. There should be a mechanism to jump 5 or 10 pages at a time to get you approximately where you think you need to be. Instead, you get to click, and then wait for, each subsequent page to load, going back one painfully slow page at a time.
You're right Mark, most forums have a page index so you can just click on the number, say 1 to go back to the start of the thread.
I could be doing it wrong but its it not as easy with this site as it used to be? Having to go through advanced search, select the member etc. Before I could just click my name anywhere I saw it and jump straight to all posts. I use this feature to find replies to threads I post in etc.
In the early stages of the "NEW" forum, I asked the same question, and I don't remember who it was that answered, (I think it was cbojanower) but there is a way to get to see your posts, or for that matter anyone else you choose.
What you do is go to the advanced seach function, and don't add any criteria until you get to the section where it asks you to "Choose Members Name". Put in your own name, and then save this screen to your "favorites" on your own computer. When you click on that favorite selection. it will automatically bring you back to that screen, and will show all the posts you have made. Still not as easy as just clicking on your own name, but it works.
Problem is, they're not sorted in any specific order.
Yeah, I saw the filter for finding names. You used to just click on the pic of a member and see a button for recent posts. Just a little harder now.