Just wondering if there is a good portion of people that would be interested in using servos and other newer technology on their layouts?
#1 - I've been working on a servo controller to throw turnouts (with servo's) and activate a corresponding dwarf or trackside signal. Also a anti-derail circuit so that if you throw a toggle or push a button and there is a train on the switch it won't throw the switch until its clear. This is still in the developmental stage as free time hasn't been too free lately.
#2 - This project is in the testing phase on a club layout is a signal controller programmed to sense trains using the isolated rail and provide a corresponding signal indication for up to 6 blocks (2 - 3 aspect signals or 3 - 2 aspect signals) Currently works well with NJ International and Atlas Signals. Goal is to have it operate ANY O scale signal.
#3 - Another developmental stage project is a relay board that will utilize the AC outputs from a AIU and make it so tortoise, cobalt, other under the table switch machines can be thrown via remote.
Thoughts, questions and inquires welcome!