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I've often had elevated loops of track.

Presently I've got an oval of track on 1/2 inch plywood with 2x4 "legs". I'm seeing a little warping in the wood leading my non-cruise equipped locos to struggle in areas.

I'd like to do a similar, less "bulky" system but one that is still strong enough to hold the largest of my engines (Railking Imperial articulated steamuntaaitleduntasditleduntitleduntitled

 and diesels).

I'm thinking of using threaded steel risers but want something reasonably attractive in appearance as well.

The pre-made Lionel or MTH versions would be good but not very practical as there is lots of track, structures, etc in the way and I need some room for large trains to move through curves.


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I had a small elevated circle for a short time last year.  The concept was to create an alley L like in Chicago with the elevated tracks behind buildings and a single story head house under the track.  I took it down when I decided to expeirment with EZ Streets switches and crossovers and because my buildings on hand didn't match up the way I wanted with the space available.

I'm planning a new layout and the elevated track will return probably as a L shaped MTH bumper trolley line.002 1024003 1024 x 768





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SJC posted:

I've often had elevated loops of track.

Presently I've got an oval of track on 1/2 inch plywood with 2x4 "legs". I'm seeing a little warping in the wood leading my non-cruise equipped locos to struggle in areas.



The pre-made Lionel or MTH versions would be good but not very practical as there is lots of track, structures, etc in the way and I need some room for large trains to move through curves.

I've noted your elevated line a previous O27 thread and like its appearance.  The black structure looks good to my eye. Its unfortunate that you are having warping problems. 

I find it difficult to build a space efficient elevated station.  I've thought of mounting a platform on the roof of an adjacent building but really haven't explored this fully to date.  I don't know if there was a prototype.



Nice to see the different methods. Thanks!

I'm going to swing by Home Depot and see if I can get some ideas with different materials. As mentioned, the MTH or Lionel would be easy to work with tubular track but am afraid I won't be able to give the track sufficient support and still have enough clearance for trains to pass on the table-top loops.

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