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I know you guys are not a psychologist or if you are I need advise and help. So I got this Cab Forward for free (On Loan, I get it in a few years when I graduate xollege.) and the owner told me do whatever ever I want to it, meaning converting it to run On DCS or anything else. This is my first and only Proto-sound Locomotive I have in my collection. Now a lot of people in my club know I can't pass up a FREE item, and I like to get either a nice Proto 2.0 locomotive or a slightly used to new proto 3.0 Locomotive. Now I have considered getting it converted. My Dad is against it. However I would like to get this converted, but it will be in the near future, possibly next year. So should I convert it or should I keep it at Proto-sound 1.0?


Last edited by SDIV Tim
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I have this very locomotive sitting on my shelf behind me.  I love it!  But I do plan to upgrade it with ERR TMCC in the future.  If you do run DCS, then by all means upgrade it with a PS2/3 kit.  But like Matt said, make it yours first so that there are no hurt feelings if you have to give it up before hand.  Trust me on this, as long story short I've been there, done that.  Until that time, enjoy running it as is.  It's runs really nice conventionally.  Mine looks good with a long line of reefers behind it as it crawls around the loop.

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