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i bought this sp daylight gs2 6-18007 a year ago from a well known dealer.[along with the full set of 5 cars].  it was NOS. If i run the loco & tender alone, it will run all day.  BUT, when pulling 5 to 7 cars, goes for approx 10 minutes, then dies. After waiting  another 10 minutes or so, it will run again. [its a simple conventional loco]. it doesnt SEEM to be running HOT, i cant find any type of POLY-FUSE, i cleaned/ re-lubed it, put new brushes in,  and the wheels/motor will turn freely,no binding,  I dis-connected the smoke unit, thinking this may be a  draw.  NO LUCK.  the cars all pull freely without any resistance. ???   im stumped.  does one or our forumites have a clue to what my/this problem is ?   thanks, Paul.

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