I am looking to add station platforms / poured concrete made of extruded foam to this passenger yard. However I am not sure how high I should bring the platforms to the passenger cars. Since I have done extensive work in developing passenger boarding for the disabled. I noted many variances through the years and among different cities.
I am modeling the 1940-50's so I can imagine that station platforms were less ergo friendly in the past. How did you determine your station platform heights?
The set back dimension Y is critical and is usually a railroad required standard. What do you use for O? However the dimension D varies from top of tie, top of rail, and above... thus I would like to see what you guys use.
I would like to include dimension Z for representing a more prototypical look.
Dimension O and V will be dependent on the radius of track you use. Mine varies in the multiple yard ladder.
I have notice that dimension C and B vary quite a bit in the real world... depending upon the real estate available - station to station.
Thanks for the guidance.