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So here is the situation,  my Redbird subway set that has Proto 2 would speed down the rails when I would slowly increase the speed. It didn't matter what speed I input on the app it would always go full throttle. The sounds and lights worked. I changed the battery but nothing changed. I decided to open it up and take a deeper look and found some green corrosion on some of the connectors. Unplugged and cleaned them off. I put it on the track without the shell to see what was going on. Unfortunately I heard it fizzing and smoke coming from in between the boards and the z-1000 popped the fuse. I reset the transformer and now all it does is buzz and pop the fuse. Did I fry the board or was it eventually going to happen. Anything else I can do to salvage it. Does it need a new board? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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@DaveGG posted:

Has there been any official notification on timing of these replacement boards?

Edit: At the time of typing the comment, based on the last public discussion with MTH I'm basically repeating my own version of how I heard what was said. Between this and where this very topic has been asked about upgrade kits and repair boards.

No, and demand increases by the day.

The problem is, limited supply of components, MTH is still making trains and thus has allocated boards from the parts supply, and then on top of that, ATLAS is building MTH engines, and they too allocated from the supply.

So the decision was not to set aside boards (and PS32 Stacker is slightly different boards at least with different connectors) for the repair and upgrade as this was deemed less profitable less demand or contract obligation.

I would think that makes a lot of folks less than happy, but again, it's not something many of us have the $$$$$ to say build these boards at X cost regardless. It's all down to the mighty $$$

They are not making money on selling us boards and unless that impacted sales of new engines, they are not seeing incentive to go out of their way.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

I don't know why you guys don't just order the stacker boards in stock at  I ordered Stacker boards w/5v connectors this week and received them!

The above part is shown as in stock, and if you want to use it as a steamer just update the flash code.

The Stacker 3v connector daughter boards available too:

A couple weeks ago I ordered and received the elusive Proto 3 tender boards too!


Dont mean to resurrect this thread, I have a diff PS2 subway that also has a fried 5V board, I did get stacker boards to replace it (and a few extra for future 5v boards that haven't failed yet). I noticed theres a soldered wire leading to a 5v regulator (see pics below) My assumption is this component isn't necessary for the stacker board?



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Thanks @gunrunnerjohn, one other question which seems odd, header R41 off the stacker board looks like that's where the battery cable is supposed to go, but I thought the stacker boards aren't supposed to have battery cables, is anything supposed to go in R41?

From the Stacker boards arriving topic:

@Mikado posted:


the Stacker is capable of handling two motors. For a 4 motor application you will need a PS3 slave board in conjunction wigh the Stacker. Yes, the 2-pin connector (that I wish to make the adendum for) identifies the forward & reverse directions (for the slave board).

Good question!

Thank you,


Again, NEVER plug anything into that except a slave board wiring tether/harness. Plugging a battery connector and thus battery or BCR left over from ps2 5V would be very bad.

Most slave A-B-A ps2 diesels just wired that signal from the motors as the PS2 5V had no such provision. Again PS2 is using the analog slave board that just buffers and duplicates the original output signals.

Again,  most wiring harnesses never had that slave connector on the original boards so in most cases- NEVER plug something into that 2 pin PS3/2 stacker board port.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

I'm glad I asked for clarification, thanks for everyone's help!

I'm laying out the locations for the new board and it looks like I am going to have to lengthen a few wires, but after removing all of the unneeded 5v components (battery holder, -5v voltage regulator, etc) and putting in the new speaker, this was the only way I could thing to mount the new board and properly heatsink it.

I'm not ecstatic about having one side rest on top of the new speaker but I don't see any other way this board fits in without doing that.

Is there another way to mount it in these subway cars or is this the best way to do it?



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