As some of us know 3rd Rail NYC J3a Hudson models all come with curiously plated reverse linkage and driver tire details. This is incorrect; the proper appearance per prototype is matching paint on these components. For 3rd Rail's De-shrouded "Super J3a", this was easy since only a matching black was needed (Pllyscale Engine Black). The finished engine with reverse linkage and driver tires correctly painted:
However the Dreyfuss Hudson is a bit trickier. Two colors needed to be matched; the dark gray under-body color and the silver on the drivers. I went to the LHS to see what I could match. The driver color was easy, simply Model Master Acryl "Silver". However the gray was a nightmare. I ended up spending $20 on a sampling of all the dark grays in stock, and not a one of them was a match. The problem is in the fact that 3rd Rail used a very unique dark gray with the slightest tint of green. I had to concoct my own matching formula which consisted of the closest gray match - Model Master Acryl "Dunkelbraun RLM 61" - tinted with a small amount of the same brand's "Dark Green 1/2 (IK)", and then a small amount of Pollyscale "Engine Black" for the correct darkness. It took an entire night of careful experimentation and application, but the model came out perfectly at last. Also fixed a number of detail parts that were crooked from the factory and reversed the lubricator linkage to the correct position.