I have a locomotive Proto sound 3.0 Steam engine 4 6 2, and also locomotive Proto sound 3.0 0 6 0. Can I swap the tenders on these just to have the different sounds. The bigger engine will not negotiate 31 curve switches so I was hoping maybe to just use that one's tender on my smaller 060 locomotive but I didn't want to toast anything. Thank you
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One is 30-1714-1, other is 30-1681-1.
I can't speak to PS3 but the conventional wisdom with PS2 is DON'T SWAP TENDERS! Unless Barry or one of the other DCS gurus tells you it's ok, I wouldn't. My $.02.
While some will work, my advice is to NEVER interchange tenders for PS/2 or PS/3. It's quite possible it wouldn't be an issue, but there is more than one configuration for the wiring.
I completely agree with John on this one.
I do not think PS-3 has alternative wiring, BUT, there are EMI and Non EMI boards. Running them together without correct flash code can lead to hi current on the engine boiler board. Leading to damage if you do not realize it. SO NO!:-) G
Just hedging my bets George, I wasn't aware of any alternative connections with the PS/3, but you never know. However, a good point on the EMI boards, I've personally experienced this issue without swapping tenders!
Thank you all. Keepin em with their mates!