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Ok so now I am looking at the Reading Company's facilities in the Center City area.  So I am looking to model:

The Reading Terminal (With selective compression)

The Green street terminal with 3 turntables(Yea thats what it had)

The suburban rail routes with a touch of main line



I have some leads on images and plans (See links below)  But could always use some more....   :-)

Any help is appreciated!

The interesting thing is the Green street engine house would replace a standard roundhouse.   But this should be really cool


Thanks Take a look at the Coaling tower diagram.  IT IS WAY COOL! This is the site that explores the past present and future of the Reading Viaduct that lead to the old Reading Turntable







Last edited by 3rdrailMike
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I've found that since I returned to the hobby, the more I wanted to learn. The more I learned, the more I thought would make good modeling subjects. The more modeling subjects, the harder it becomes to incorporate into a layout of limited space. This results in design changes. Then you learn something new and it starts all over again I wouldn't feel bad about it because you're interest is still there.

Over the past year, I've changed the location of my "planned" layout from the dining/living room area, to the back bedroom, to the garage and now to the middle bedroom/part of the back bedroom. Along the way I've changed from table style, to around-the-room, to a horseshoe, back to a table and now to a combination horseshoe/around-the-room with a hidden yard through the wall. I'm pretty sure the last style and location are firm, but not much in life is firm.


I've also gone from a Phoenix to Flagstaff via Sedona theme to a very loose Wickenburg to Flagstaff via Williams theme. All I really know for sure is that I will have at least 5 trains; 2 diesel freights and 3 steamers, one of which is a Christmas 4-6-0 passenger, another will be an old-style western 4-4-0 passenger and the 3rd with be a freight. My goal was 3 inter-connected levels, but I might settle for 2, though the 2nd might be a loop-to-loop with 1 loop rising to a 3rd level. I want to run at least 2 trains unattended and then intersperse 2 more with manual control using appropriate passing sidings during my operating sessions.


I currently have a 6x8 RealTrax mobile layout that moves from the dining room to the garage and back during the holidays. This year it might come back in on the floor because I want to dismantle my current benchwork and start on the bedroom benchwork and I'm giving some serious consideration to Mianne benchwork, price being the deciding factor.

Well the layout room progresses.

11 new cans installed on 2 separate dimmers,  most of the old wainscoting is gone and a lot of the furring strips as well.

Next steps are as follows:

  • finish removing all old wood
  • remove closet under the stairs to give me more layout room
  • clean and paint exterior walls
  • install and tape 1" solid foam insulation on exterior walls
  • frame out external walls
  • run electricity with new code tamper resistant outlets
  • Replace windows with Glass Block
    • 3 vents Dryer, paint booth, room exhaust
  • drywall
  • replace the temporary incandescent bulbs with smart WIFI LED bulbs

This will be done in the next 6 weeks, just in time to pickup lumber for bench work so I can then get my first load of track and switches at York.  

starting to make the dream a reality...........   If I can ever totally get the dream focused

Last edited by 3rdrailMike
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