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I know that ugly Christmas sweaters have turned into a holiday shtick, but what was the appeal for them before they became a joke?

I've never understood this. Maybe it was because I'm from Florida originally and few people had sweaters you couldn't take off quickly (layering is essential in a climate where you could have greater than 50 degrees between the low and high on a given day). I'm never owned a knitted sweater and no intention to ever own one.

But I just don't get how these sweaters ever had any appeal. I guess I should be thankful that I didn't have anyone in my family to saw fit to knit anything like this...

You said it yourself: Layering.  THese started off as plain knitted sweaters worn beneath outer layers of clothing.  Never seen, never meant to be seen.  Over the years, bored grannies and aunties began adding goofy/naughty things to them, knowing they'd never be seen.  Much like frilly lingerie and silly underpants.


Eventualy though, things change, and all is seen in the light of day, not to mention the blinding light of the internet computer screen.


I blame Madonna . . .

Originally Posted by Drydock:

Over the years, bored grannies and aunties began adding goofy/naughty things to them, knowing they'd never be seen. 

That makes sense. I'd never even heard of the ugly holiday sweater thing until I was in my 20s but even then only in movies and TV.

I should consider myself lucky never to have bene related to anyone who'd make something like that. Reminds me of the pink bunny suit from, "A Christmas Story" where the Mom thinks it's cute because a family member made it but his Dad is far more practical in how stupid it looks.

GOD, so lucky I never had to deal wit that!

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