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Although the time has passed to Pre-Order your revamped copies of Editions 1-3 (they are still available on our website, however) there is still time left to save $2 on your Pre-Order of Edition 9!  Edition 9 is action-packed with great model railroading, prototype railroading, restoration projects, custom build projects, and more!  See how Jerry Poniatowski, an OGR Forum member built is very own AEM-7 in S scale, build your own SD60 in HO, and even hear Roanoke's opinions on the Norfolk and Western 611.  Click here to SAVE $2 on your Edition 9 Pre-Order if you place your order before November 29th at 11:50pm EST.  Thank you for all of your support!

We have also been getting a lot of requests for a subscription service to our magazine and would like to get feedback from our readers.  Please click here to send your valuable feedback on starting a subscription to our magazine. We are always looking for ways to improve our magazine and customer support, and we would greatly appreciate your feedback on this subject.  Thank you!


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