a very close friend of mine who had a much older TMCC rail sounds 3 engine that has great sentimental value needed it repaired. After consultation with John and letting him know what parts were required. He looked into his parts pile and found the proper motor control board. For a very affordable price I am going to be able to restore this engine to pristine condition. Many thanks John .
Replies sorted oldest to newest
John is one of the good guys.
Definitely second that- John is a huge asset to our hobby and is most generous with his time to help others.
Glad I had the part in question. Of course, I no longer have that part, so the next guy will need a different solution.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:Glad I had the part in question. Of course, I no longer have that part, so the next guy will need a different solution.
I don't know about that, John. You seem to have multiple "spares" of just about everything.
@BlueComet400 posted:I don't know about that, John. You seem to have multiple "spares" of just about everything.
Alternatives John, alternatives.
I feel the need to chime in on this post. John started helping me on a conversion a number of years ago. He saved the project, and ever since has been supporting me in my journey to learn how to effectively work with the modern train electronics. This forum, and members like John, have opened up a whole other side of this hobby for me. I have found another level of enjoyment in this hobby because of John and other forum members who graciously post very helpful topics. My hope is to someday be able to do the same.
Thank you John
I agree. John is GREAT. He has fixed a few items for me and has always provided great insights on the Forum. Truly an asset.
John also helped me fix my favorite loco, an FEF-3, with a spare motor driver board. A great contributor, resource, and genuinely helpful person! Thanks GRJ for all you do for the hobby!
John has gone above and beyond for us. When he finished what Dale had started, it really helped my layout. He has been a great assistant to all of us. A big thanks goes out to him.
The mythical Mt. Rushmore of OGR Forum contributors prominently features @gunrunnerjohn.
John is a wonderful and helpful guy. He knew just how to get our swimming pool to the correct……
Oh, wait, that was John our pool guy.
GRJ gave me advice installing "flicker free constant voltage" led lighting in conventional cars. Since then I've converted prewar, post war and American flyer rolling stock and they turn out fantastic. He is truly a great asset to our hobby. Thanks so much!
He is amazing, and I owe him many thanks, too!
Gosh folks, I'm blushing. Thanks for all the kind words. There's a lot of very helpful folks here, I'm just trying to keep pace.
@Traindiesel posted:Oh, wait, that was John our pool guy.
Well, at least most had kind words...
Me too, I can't recall my issue, but I know Gunrunner provided resolution (might have been my 1946 Berk). Nice to see so many feel this way. The mythical Mount Rushmore idea could be a 1:48 reality on a table somewhere...someday. Thanks John!
I shudder to think what the backside of that Mt Rushmore would look like!
I can't think of a more selfless thoughtful person. An asset to humanity in these troubled times.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:I shudder to think what the backside of that Mt Rushmore would look like!
Good one, John!
great post so far to a deserving member here!
@gunrunnerjohn posted:Gosh folks, I'm blushing. Thanks for all the kind words. There's a lot of very helpful folks here, I'm just trying to keep pace.
Well, at least most had kind words...
Im sorry, John. I was talking to our pool guy that day and I got my Johns mixed up!
No, you are an asset to the hobby and a great pool g….. uhh, train guy! It’s a pleasure for you to know me. Thanks for all you do!
@Traindiesel posted:Im sorry, John. I was talking to our pool guy that day and I got my Johns mixed up!
No, you are an asset to the hobby and a great pool g….. uhh, train guy! It’s a pleasure for you to know me. Thanks for all you do!
Brian, clearly I was kidding! I figured you were as well.
I have told John several times previously that he is the present Marty Fitzhenry of the OGR Forum, and has been for years. In other words, he is always willing to help others with his knowledge, and does not seek anything in return. In my mind, that it the best complement a train guy can get.
Erol Gurcan
@gunrunnerjohn posted:Brian, clearly I was kidding!
I figured you were as well.
Geez guys, are we about done here?
We all KNOW gunrunnerjohn is a great guy. That’s a given.
GRJ has helped me a ton. I'm sure my lack of knowledge and ignorance as I get into this hobby again has crossed his wires more than once! Thanks John for your patience and knowledge and time.