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Ladies and Gentlemen,

   I am looking to replace part of my original Tin Plate layout.  All I have is an old photo of me and my Grandfather in front of my 1952 layout. If someone might be able to guide me to a place that might have this kind of Tin Plate Barn and the Farm house,

I would be greatful.   The Barn is actually cut away so that you can see inside, on both the top and bottom of the Barn.  I would like to replace this and a few of the other builds.  Any help would be much appreciated.




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i'm not a Marx toy expert, but i have seen a number of versions of this basic barn.  with the plastic detail parts and accessories, i've got to imagine it was from the mid-1950's at the earliest.


the one i picture is a rather large version.  most you will see with only the barn and a single silo.  this version with the cellar and attached shed should also have two silo's centered in those circles.


there are also a number of smaller structures and a nice set of tractor attachments that were sometimes included in various sizes of these farm sets.  they can take up a good chunk of real estate, but make a nice addition to any tinplate layout.


by the way, if you can see i believe it's sitting on some 1x6's.  it's certainly larger than Plasticville size, but it's more O scale than Std.

Last edited by overlandflyer

Little John Metal Toy Barn

My L'ttle Ranchhand panels

Ohio Art Metal Barn Set




In addition to Marx, the firm "Ohio Art" also made several versions of tinplate metal barns, which they sold in sets with plastic farm animals and fences.  At least four of their barns are now up for sale on ebay.  See photo.


Another firm, "Little John", made metal barns in a more modern style.  These are no longer made and are harder to find.  See photo.


If you need "metal" fences, there are at least two firms which currently produce all metal toy fences.  One firm, "My L'ttle Ranchhand", casts their fence panels out of molten metal just like classic 30s fences.  See Photo. Here's a link to their website: 


The second firm, "Little Buster Toys", uses welded rod to produce a slightly larger scale metal fence.  Here a link to their website: 




  Thanks much for taking time to answer my question, that Tin Barn is something like I am looking for, the condition is not what I want however. 


Jay Jay,

  Thanks also, however I could not access your pictures at all, could you post them in a different manner.



  I do like yours very much and I have seen it with the silos at a couple of the bigger train shows here around Pittsburgh, Pa , it's just to big for my O gauge layout.  If they made it in O scale or even close to it, I would definitely be interested in it.


Navy Seal,

   Can't access your pictures either,




Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
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