I generally stick with modern tinplate reproductions, but one day would like to get a set of 100 series cars. The lowest price I saw was $40 a car. I can find these cheaper on ebay.
With standard gauge tinplate being my main focus these days, the 2 York shows are the only shows for me worth going to. I saw an 840 powerstation for a very nice price, and it would have come home with me if I didn't already have one.
There were also several roundhouse sections that were tempting, but my budget is limited as is my layout space.
I saw an orange 418 4-car passenger set for sale at a very nice price. But again, my budget prevented me from buying.
You really should try to make it there one day. Money was a little tight for me this time around (just had my driveway redone), but I was really looking forward to going. If I had less restraint, there were several items I would have picked up.