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Glad to hear it runs.   If possible, I would love to see a video clip of that!   I would never have believed that a train of that age, including the box, could look that good.

Fatman,  so very sorry about your injury.   My father was a doctor, who practiced for 60 years, starting back in the day when people in the neighborhood, would show up at the door with horrific wounds, wanting to be sewn up in his office in our basement.   He did it all.

As a result, all of us kids were required to have our shoes on and tied, from the moment we woke up, till the moment we got in bed, or else we got beaten.  (Yep, standard punishment in those days.)  He said that 90% of all of the terrible foot wounds and nail punctures he treated were because someone didn't have their shoes on.   I keep them on to this day!

Oh well, . . . he bought me a Super-O set when I was ten.  And, I've never cut my foot or stubbed a toe.    :-)


beardog49:  For your comparison, below is my 2270 LMS tank engine by Hornby.  It is complete with all valve gear, control knobs, and no zinc pest but it is obviously well used and scratched.   It cost $14 for the engine, but then shipping (outrageous) from the UK plus tax drove the price up to $46 delivered in early 2020.  Not sure if it was a bargain or not as there is little comparison here in the states.  Anyway just FYI.

aHornby M3 side



Images (1)
  • Hornby M3 side

I started to list the 2270 and the 5600 on epay today. I started with the 2270, wound it up and checked that everything worked. Then I moved to the 5600, when I started to wind it up I realized there was no spring or control knobs. Geez, I handled it all day yesterday and never noticed this. Another part of my retirement fund down the drain. I also took another small loco of the shelf to take pictures of for this post, guess what, no spring. So I went into the train room and took down an 8324 that I was planning on keeping. Runs fine, but no valve gear. I had to think back to when I bought them. Up until about 2015 I went thru a four or five year period of homelessness, living in my car, couch surfing. After that my social security started and a small pension and life became comfortable.

Any way, my point is when I was buying these things I still did not think I had any money so I bought what I thought I could afford. Add to this that I was incredibly naive about anything but Marx at the beginning. Hence the defects.

I have lots of parts locos anyway.

Best, John


  • Well tinplate fans, I have a "fun" item for you today.  Ever since I read the multi-volume treatment of "British Toy Trains" by Michael Foster, I have been interested in the makes that he illustrated.  These were mostly toys from manufacturers that were well below the price point of a Basset Lowke or Hornby but therefore so much more affordable by many more families.  These toys provided wonderful play value to many children.  In the US, this position was usually filled by Marx, who's products were often well below the price point of a Lionel or American Flyer item yet provided great play value.
  • Well I finally found one of these little locomotives (I do have some Mettoy cars) and it represents the streamlined locomotives of Sir Nigel Gresley (according to Foster) and although they came in several liveries, up until 1940 they all carried the number 2509.  They were of two basic varieties a 2-4-0 and a smaller (I expect less expensive) engine with the same motor but an 0-4-0
  • My engine is the "Silver Streak" #2509 one of the 0-4-0 's from 1936-37 and it came in a set with a matching silver and black tender and two silver and black coaches (alas I do not have those but who knows what the future will bring).  The engine is clockwork and mine still works and came with the key !!
  • Here is the Wells-Brimtoy "Silver Streak" loco :
  • Note the silver / black treatment for the entire loco, and the winding stem protruding from this side.  This side also has the printing..."Made in England" which the other side does not.
  • Brimtoy SS 1
  • Here is the streamlined boiler front of the loco prominently showing the "Wells O' London" trademark
  • Brimtoy SS 2
  • Here is the other side and a view of the boiler top.
  • Brimtoy SS 3

This guy is small, the entire engine is but 6 1/4" long .  OBTW if you have the reference, the #  2509 Silver Streak set is pictured in Foster's Book, Volume 3, pg 168. As you can see, my example has been well played with , but I enjoy that actually by thinking of the young person who most likely greatly enjoyed running his streamlined train, probably on the floor of his home.

Have a great week



Images (3)
  • Brimtoy SS 1
  • Brimtoy SS 2
  • Brimtoy SS 3
@beardog49 posted:

Geez, steve, what is your epay Id, I want your leftovers.

It appears you are in socal so hopefully not affected by fires or smoke


Yes, So Cal. Luckily other than smoke we have been safe from fires this time.  Last year we were packed and ready to leave, but luckily were not evacuated. I am gig1949 on Ebay, but don't sell there a lot, although I seriously need to thin the herd a lot more. I'm getting ready for a meet this weekend.


Hi Tinplate fans, I thought I would present my progress (slight) on a hunt for a late French Hornby set that Daniel (Frenchtrains) told me about in an earlier post.  On 8/8 I had posted pictures of my new (to me) "SNCF Wagon Tombereau Baches "Saint Freres " . In asking about a suitable vintage engine Daniel pointed out to me that my car had a yellow frame and was thus in the color scheme of the last of the cars that were offered.  He then showed me a boxed set containing this car. Please note that this picture is copied from Daniel's post.

Hornby Set [Daniel's)

Given that I had just obtained the yellow framed, covered wagon, I am now on a search for the remaining elements of the set.  This week I received (also from Australia which Fatman pointed out is a good source of Hornby ) the SNCF STEF refrigerator car for the set.  It is pictured below.  By the way, like the prior shipment from Australia, this shipment also arrived in perfect shape, the car appears brand new.  Of course besides the Mecanno label, it also proudly displays the "made in France" loco on the end plate.

Hornby STEF Refr side viewHorby STEF refr front quarter viewHornby STEF Refr end view

Now all I need is that BB loco...the search goes on !! I do have one question however, perhaps if Daniel reads this he can help. What does "STEF" stand for?  Is it a commercial firm or a standard marker ?  Regardless I am really pleased with this little fellow and he joins my tiny but growing collection of Hornby and French Hornby tinplate.

Best Regards to all



Images (4)
  • Hornby Set (Daniel's)
  • Hornby STEF Refr side view
  • Horby STEF refr front quarter view
  • Hornby STEF Refr end view

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