Glad to hear it runs. If possible, I would love to see a video clip of that! I would never have believed that a train of that age, including the box, could look that good.
Fatman, so very sorry about your injury. My father was a doctor, who practiced for 60 years, starting back in the day when people in the neighborhood, would show up at the door with horrific wounds, wanting to be sewn up in his office in our basement. He did it all.
As a result, all of us kids were required to have our shoes on and tied, from the moment we woke up, till the moment we got in bed, or else we got beaten. (Yep, standard punishment in those days.) He said that 90% of all of the terrible foot wounds and nail punctures he treated were because someone didn't have their shoes on. I keep them on to this day!
Oh well, . . . he bought me a Super-O set when I was ten. And, I've never cut my foot or stubbed a toe. :-)