I am much of the same opinion Daniel @FRENCHTRAINS she is just too pretty now in her old clothes to restore
As for me .. well as they say " When it rains it pours ... " this week TWO rocking horses are being crossed off the list ... the Walker-Riemsdijk a few posts up in the thread and then "Bugger me dead" ( as we say here in the colonies) what should show up next than ....

Doesn't look like much do she?
But she is indeed a gem in tinplate clothing ... although missing her steam chests and her side rods , she is still in quite ok condition ,
The auction site had it listed as a "Chad Valley or similar " locomotive .. and luckily for me it did NOT include a front on shot of the boiler , where there should be a whacking great " Whitanco" logo ( maybe its been painted over or something?)
Nevertheless it IS a Whitanco locomotive , a firm that once took on Hornby for the crown of affordable model trains and tin toys .. Whose owner was said to have been one of the original Hornby employees striking out with his own business ... sadly tho Whitanco lost and went into receivership in 1921 just as Frank Hornby started storming the market with his versions of the original " The Clockwork Train " sets ... with the challenger firm ceasing trading in 1924 ...
I made a very cheeky offer , the seller listing it and I have had quite a long relationship over the years so he accepted and she is coming to me , Would I like a more complete nicer one? well heck yes! , but I have not exactly been stumbling over them and I have been looking for a while now lol .. so THIS baby will be right up there in the Treasures Found column .