Originally Posted by Ingeniero No1:
Raymond, Barry:
Oh, oh . . . Oops!
Raymond wrote: "Alex, do you mean Quickset speed or Speed mode?"
And Barry followed regarding Quickset Speed: "The signal strength is not being improved, rather, the problems are not being reported."
Actually, I was trying to set "SPEED" mode as was recommended by the website I visited, but now realize that I did not do it correctly - I indeed and mistakenly turned on the "QUICKSET SPEED"!
I just went back and did it over again on both remotes; turned OFF the QUICKSET SPEED, and turned the Operating Mode to SPEED. Have not tried it yet . . .
Raymond, my layout is in a single room (33' x 38') but there is a stairwell that blocks one or the other TIU depending on where I stand. Actually, and all things considered, everything runs rather well.
That is what I thought you were meaning to do but I wasn't sure what you actually had set and didn't want to assume anything. Yes I've found that if you do have an area of unresponsiveness the effective area where it doesn't respond can be reduced by setting it to SPEED mode. (Just to clarify it is and was clearly understood this does not affect track signal, that was never said or implied) I dont have any problem areas on my ovals but I still keep them in SPEED mode. In just now reading your most recent reply it sounds like it has also worked for you too to fix the unresposiveness which I'm glad to hear. As you have time and the desire, you can work to resolve the underlying signal issue but at least you have now found as I have that this trick works pretty good. This is why I just keep mine on SPEED mode, it just reduces the chances of you having unresponsiveness if you happen to encounter it.
That's good to hear things are running good overall. Give it a little time and you should have any remaining issues resolved. If mounting the TIUs flat doesn't resolve the OUT OF RF range messages, move on to the TIU antenna. If you try any intermediate steps before adding the full extension and still have issues, the full extension should fix your remote to TIU communication issues.
Also as a note, see the DCS Overview page on my website, I have the remote menu structures laid out so you can quickly see what settings are under which menu areas.
Feel free to email me anytime directly if you have any questions like this (email address is at the bottom of my homepage) I'll be more than happy to help especially on the remaining areas of signal issue.
FYI, the website with the pictured antenna mods is mine.
Thanks and good luck.