Does anyone know the mth part numbers for those "drivers"?
George (GGG) has posted them in the past. I had them in a file here, but I can't find it right now. They're FETs. You should be able to read the part number off the part, I don't have the inclination to take a TIU apart right now.
Just an update and some info that may be helpful to others. First, replaced the TVS diode and the MOSFET (drivers)... No success, still no power out. Now for the info I found. The TVS diode MTH part number is BB_0000033 and the MOSFET (driver) is BB-0000068 looking at the TVS diode I pulled out I found the information printed on it and was able to order both parts from
Can the fixed input on the tiu
be repaired.
Fixed input? Do you mean the fixed output? What exactly is your issue?
Was about to buy a used TIU. It was having problem with the fixed output. At least that is what they told me. But I have decided to from somewhere more reputable than on EBay unknown seller.
Yep, I'd probably steer clear of that one as well, and I know how to fix them.