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As I worked through the setup and operation of my TIU Rev L, I did follow the instructions to disable the magic light bulb that had been so important for my old TIU Rev I. But I had a few PS-2 engines that were just not seeing the watchdog signal; other PS-2 and all PS-3 engines seemed to start up just fine. Then I checked and saw sections of track for this one TIU variable (set to fixed) channel with fluctuation of the DCS signal literally from 2 to 10.  I then unknowingly put a lighted caboose on the one section where the signal had been the lowest and, to my surprise, the DCS signal was now 10 throughout that entire section. I then reinstalled a magic light bulb and have so far seen no effect on DCS train control either with the remote or the Wifi app. And I have a healthy 9 or 10 pretty much everywhere , even with some pretty long wire runs. In addition, whereas I sometimes noticed a little hesitation in communication between the remote and my old TIU, no such hesitation exists now. Would anyone know if continued use of the magic light bulb along with the Rev L TIU may result in any kind of damage to the TIU? 

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    I agree with RJR, no damage will be done, and if you have isolated areas on your layout where your signal drops, IMO definitely use the magic lights.  However with the new Rev L if you build correctly, using the Block Technique, with the 12 Track join discipline most times the need for magic lights is very limited.  Now if you are retro-fitting a TMCC/Legacy layout or and older Conventional layout, the magic lights will definitely be a big help, even with the Rev L TIU.    Magic lights are definitely not obsolete technology, however their required usage is now a lot less.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

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