Ok, need some advice (or what has been called an idiot check). I apologize if I get some of the terminology wrong.
Lionel Lionchief plus GP7 diesel began to "jump" the switch on RH O36 switches. It is a couple of months old. The front truck went through fine, but the rear one wouldn't catch the inside point rail (it would just continue on straight) thereby caused a derailment. Played around with shimming the point to make it just a wee bit higher, etc., but no luck. Also swapped out three different RH switches and same problem on each. Also, no problem with the other two steam logos that I have.
The rear truck has rubber tires on the front wheels, and it was almost as if the thickness of the tire would just ride over the point. So, ... removed the LH truck tire, and ... problem solved.
My 5x10' layout is a couple of loops (w/ interior figure eight) and about 85 ft total of track. The outer loop has a 2 percent grade. Needless to say length of the consists remain limited given the size of the layout.
1. Should I run this without the rear tire? It has the grooved wheel.
2. Should I also remove the one on the other side?
3. Does tire thickness vary? In other words, should I try to fine a thinner one to try?
4. Any other thoughts?
Thanks for your help?