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Anyone have a good recommendation for a Train Book regarding different types of trains and their history?

Does anyone have a "Cheat sheet" like a quick desktop reference?  

I was thinking something along the lines of an Excel spreadsheet with information regarding, Model, years ran, history etc.

Looking  through this forum I see some people really know about their Trains and History,

Looking for different types of models and how to identify them. 

Thanks in advance!!



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There is no one source, not even the internet. 

But, if you're looking at diesels, this is a good place to start:

The folks here that have the knowledge have accumulated it over the years.  There's books, videos, magazines, historical societies and personal experience.

I used to go to the library and look or check out train books when I was a young'un, plus use our encyclopedia (remember those?) at home.  Trains magazine used to be a primary source for me back in the 1960's, along with Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman.  Eventually, I began to buy books for railroads that interested me and later railroads I was peripherally interested in.  They still provide a valuable resource.

And with the better part of a century of reading, watching and participating behind me, there's a lot I still don't know.


Last edited by Rusty Traque

The late Al Staufer put out a series of books covering various "roads" with the  word "Power" in their title. such as "Pennsy Power III", New York Central Power, B&O Power, etc. that do a nice job of covering the specific subjects in their titles. There are also other "road" specific books by other authors.I'd suggest picking one or two that interest you and starting there.



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