If we're going to change it I also go with #2.
As usual, I'm the odd man out. I like hover menus.
Trainz works fine on my Windows 11, latest Firefox. 1920x1080 rez.
Maybe it's because I have a huge monitor, but I don't have any issues navigating around the menus.
Here's a screen shot, no menu
Here's a screen shot, menu open
I have a lot of real estate left, right, and bottom of menu. (this shot cuts off that open space surrounding menu
Lastly, my cursor never has to touch the Trainz menu bar. When I open Trainz, my cursor is usually in one of the red circled areas. Even if not, it takes a millisecond to not be in the menu bar. There's no weaving my way between the menu items.
FYI, I also have the exact same non-issue on my MacBook Pro running latest Firefox and Chrome