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I want to power 12 MTH RealTrax switches. I thought I would use some number of the MTH 'Z' transformers (Z-50,Z-500,Z-1000).

My question is which one and how many of them?

Also, should I use the output of the Z transformer available via the so-called barrel connector or the output from the 2 screw terminals. I ask because I think the voltage available from each connection is different (perhaps 22 vs. 14 ?).

Also (I promise this is the last 'also'), what size wire should I use?


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So, Gunrunner; If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting a single Z500 will handle all 12 switches with #22 wire, correct?

And, I'm not sure why you mention fixed voltage since I'm under the impression that both outputs of the Z transformers are fixed.

My experience is limited to the Z-1000.

It has 14 v available at the screw terminals and I thought the voltage available via the barrel connector might be slightly higher, although again, it's fixed -- perhaps 22v?

I assume the Z-500 is similar -- can you verify for me if the outputs of both Z-500 and Z-1000 are the same voltages.

I realize they will differ in the amount of current they can deliver (they might also differ in the voltage -- hence my question.)



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