It's my understanding that the Lionel CW-80 takes a TA30 triangle screwdriver bit. Does anyone know what size bit is needed for the Atlas/Williams by Bachmann 80-watt transformer?
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It's my understanding that the Lionel CW-80 takes a TA30 triangle screwdriver bit. Does anyone know what size bit is needed for the Atlas/Williams by Bachmann 80-watt transformer?
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I don't know, but I bought a kit of 3 different sizes of triangle bits and have needed two of the sizes with Lionel products.
Also can not say for sure the correct size but a set is usually marginally more than a single driver. Get the set.
Invest in a set of security bits and you should get all the bits you need to unscrew all the screws you're not supposed to unscrew
cjack posted:I don't know, but I bought a kit of 3 different sizes of triangle bits and have needed two of the sizes with Lionel products.
Do you know which sizes your set is? I've found one that has: TA14, TA18, TA20, TA23, TA27 & another that has TA40, TA35, TA30, TA25, TA20 (TA30=3mm, TA27=2.7mm).
I bought a kit with TA14, TA18, TA20, TA23, TA27 and is have opened all the Lionel, Nintendo, McDonalds and various brand wooden train system items I have had need to open.
I have the TA14 to TA27 set and i got mine from ebay for 13.00 plus shipping. Also these will work on the atlas 80 watt transformer but don't remember what size fits now.
It boggles the mind that most of the eBay sellers think I need ten of the same size, where did you find a set with long shanks to reach into the Lionel transformer?
I ended up going with this set, with the hope that one of the smaller three will work:
We look forward to seeing if they work.
A friend took a flat head screwdriver (5-6 inches long) , cut a square out it and it worked fine, so now I have a "tool" to take my "brick" apart. Once apart, I did not have a clue what to do with it and now have one less flathead screw driver.
This comment is meant to be tongue in cheek because this friend had a set of security bits but they were not long enough work.
Have a great day
That's a problem with many of these triangle bits, they don't reach down into the recess, the CW-80 has a pretty deep recess.
The set i bought on ebay does thats why i got them. I took my old CW80 apart to oil the fan.
gunrunnerjohn posted:That's a problem with many of these triangle bits, they don't reach down into the recess, the CW-80 has a pretty deep recess.
I found that out after receiving the ones I bought online.
gunrunnerjohn posted:We look forward to seeing if they work.
The Penggong brand triangle bit screwdrivers arrived today, & fortunately, the 2.5 mm driver works with the triangle bits of the WBB/Atlas 80-watt transformer. The 2 mm bit is 75 mm in length; the 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm, & 3.5 mm bits are 100 mm, & the 4.0 mm bit is 150 mm.
The vendor was UXCell, whose Amazon storefront reads:
UXCELL is based in Hong Kong, our group comprises factories in Asia that manufacture OEM and aftermarket consumer electronics products.
We believe in FACTORY DIRECT purchases.
Our mission is to deliver Lower Prices and Better Quality to consumers and distributors wherever, whenever.
We operate from a distribution center in Hong Kong, where we perform sourcing, quality control and fulfillment. We strive to ensure that our products are reliable, updated and that our transactions are smooth and speedy. We are positioned to bring you the latest consumer electronic products and accessories globally and round the clock
We are proud to have served over 1,000,000 buyers worldwide.
Perhaps curiously, the screwdrivers were individually packed is lightweight plastic-bag sleeves, wrapped in one bundle of bubblewrap, & shipped in a nondescript, white plastic bag, with German origination address. The Amazon tracking says that it was shipped by DHL, but there is nothing on the package that would lead indicate that.
The screwdrivers arrived in good condition, although there is variation in colors of the handles & the handles have marring as if they've been kicking around in a tool box or shelf somewhere. However, the shafts & bits are pristine. Lastly, the black plastic butts show show a cross bit, which is slightly strange, since they're triangle bits. To my naked, untrained eye, they're lacking the quality of my Wiha & Klein screwdrivers, but are at least equal to or exceed the various Stanley, Craftsman, & other assorted screwdrivers in my collection.
So far I'm happy with the purchase, though I wonder how much use they'll actually see.
Anyone know what screwdriver type will open a MRC Control Master 20.
I brought several security screwdriver sets, but none worked.
I could just drill the screws out, but I want to be neat.
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