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I bought a Lional Chicagoo & Alton Pacific w/ smoking whistle.  I wish now I had known Lionel has such good sounds on their trains.  I bought the Legacy remote with it.  I run MTH track.   I run an inner loop and outer loop and connect them with 72 inch switches facing each other, two on one side also forming a passing siding and one on the other.  On the main line I also have a 54 inch switch running away from the track to form a yard.  All the MTH trains run fine on all switches.  The Lionel runs fine on most.  On the inner loop it hesitates if under 40 and the switch lights go off and the sound dies on the lionel on the bottum switch on the passing side.  I have to shut down the power to get the train to respond with sound after that as the engine noice, bell and whistle sound disappear.  The braking sound and smoke when the whistle is blown still work.  I try to use the remote to turn the train back on but only turning off all power fixes it.  If under 50 it still flickers the lights on the track, and activates some of the MTH engines that are turned off.  At 60 there is a smaller hesitation and flicker.  It does the same thing on the outer loop 54 inch switch to the yard, but not the 3 72 inch switchs, even the one it flickers on in the inner loop.  Either the sound goes off at 40 or less or activates the MTH at 50 or less, abd only flickers at 60 or more.  any help with this?  As a side note there are also other switches on the inner loop to form an internal yard and it runs fine over it.  There is no power to some of the tracks in both yards.  trains go there and die when the momentum runs out. 

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I'm experiencing similar problems with a couple of our Legacy steamers too. Folks suggest that adding a 9v battery helps prevent this but I've had only limited success. For some reason, when power is interrupted even slightly, the Legacy sounds will drop out. The battery seemed to cure it in our Mikado but not our MR S3, it only got 'better' - not cured.

I'll watch your thread too to see what we can learn from our esteemed colleagues!

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