Here's my Vision Line Big Boy on an O72 curve. Note that it's barely over the inside of the Fastrack roadbed on the inside, but it's WAY outside the roadbed on the outside.
Wow that's crazy. I appreciate the pic, it really gives me an idea of the overhang as it's real hard to tell from YouTube videos.
It looks to be about an inch of overhang, maybe an inch and a half to be safe. That'll take a big tunnel portal, looks like I may have to enlarge mine a bit. I don't have any plans of steamers that big but you never know.
Although that's a huge steamer and even with bigger tunnel portals I don't think there is any way that would still work on 0-36 track. I will probably just stick with the steamers like the Hudson, lol. Right now I only have a 4-4-2 and I have the 0-4-0 gold mine train on pre order.