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Well, just so happens I have an Atlas SW8 disassembled for painting that's still waiting for that paint job that will never happen.  I took a look.


The news is not good.


The single stack of the SW8 (the forward stack on a dual stack) is right above a circuit board. I think the rear stack would also dribble onto the circuit board.


To play it safe: I suggest you remove the shell, and perhaps use a soft cloth to soak up what you can. Use some rubbing alcohol to clean the residue, and give plenty of time for the alcohol to evaporate.


Good luck! 

Originally Posted by Dave45681:
Originally Posted by banjoflyer:

I think I'll take off the shell again and fill the stacks from the inside with some hot glue so this can't happen again.

Might make sense to leave them open for venting?  Are there other openings to the outside world to let some heat get out?



I tend to agree that Dave's postulation above has some merit.  The confined space of the body shell can lend itself to trapping more heat generated from the motors & board, so I definitely see it as a method to vent some of that heat out of engine. 

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