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From The DCS Companion 3rd Edition, pages 136-137:

4. Required Cables and Connectors

As previously discussed, the DCS Consumer Loader Program has several functions:

• Upgrading software in the TIU

• Upgrading software in the DCS Remote

• Uploading sound files from DCS engines

• Downloading sound and chain files to DCS engines

• Backing up and restoring the contents of the DCS Remote

Based upon the personal computer being used and the function being performed, different cables may be required.

One cable that is always required is a 9-conductor serial cable or, for the Rev. L TIU only, a USB cable that has a Type B USB connector on one end and a connector that fits the PC on the other end. These cables connect the personal computer and the TIU, and one of them is required to perform any of the DCS Loader Program functions. The serial cable is known by various names, including RS 232 cable, RS 232C cable, keyboard extension cable or modem cable, and is generally available from computer and office supply stores. The cable should be long enough to reach from the personal computer to the TIU. One end of the serial cable must have a 9-pin male connector to plug into the TIU's serial port and the other end must have a connector that connects with the connector on the serial COM port of the personal computer. If the personal computer lacks a serial COM port but has a USB port, there are two approaches to connecting a non-Rev. L TIU to the personal computer.

MTH recommends two methods for connecting a personal computer without a serial COM port to the TIU. One method recommended by MTH is, if the personal computer has an available slot for a PC card, to install a PC serial port card in that slot. MTH has reported success using the SIIG, Inc. model JJ-PCM02 card. This card should be available from computer supply stores.

The other method recommended by MTH is for computers that lack a serial COM port and do not have an available slot for a PC card, but do have an available PCMCIA port. This would include most laptop and notebook computers. In this case, the E-Link RoHS PCMCIA card or the SIIG, Inc. Single-Serial PC card should be used. These cards should be available from computer supply stores.

If the personal computer does not have an available slot for a PC card or a PCMCIA card slot, then a USB to Serial Adapter may be used. Although this approach is not recommended by MTH, the author has obtained excellent results using a Serial to USB Adapter cable sold by Radio Shack. This cable comes with Windows software drivers that should be installed before using the cable for the first time.

A 4-conductor telephone handset cable is required to upgrade the DCS Remote software or to perform backup or restore of the user-entered contents of the DCS Remote. This is the cable that connects a telephone handset to a telephone base and has smaller connectors than the cable that connects the telephone base to the wall. This cable should be available from Radio Shack, computer supply stores or office supply stores, and need only be long enough to connect the DCS Remote to the Remote Input port on the TIU.

A 1/8" to 1/8" stereo patch cable is required to upgrade TIU software. The cable must be a stereo cable, not a monaural cable, and is available from MTH (item #50-1009 6' Mini-to-Mini Cable), Radio Shack or audio/video stores. This cable need only be one foot in length.

This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition", available for purchase from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

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