Originally Posted by cbojanower:
I am thinking about hooking a Lionel 180 Watt Power House to my TIU. Three questions:
1) Would I need an inline circuit breaker? Or is the built in one in the PH180 and the TIU enough to handle it?
2) Is there a PH180 to TIU adapter cable, I really do not want to cut the end plug off my Power House cord
3) How do you determine which wire is hot and which is common on the PH180
1.) PH-180s have excellent breakers, I think you will be just fine with that. The only other thing that might be slightly faster than the PH-180 is a PSX-AC.
2.) Yes, CT McCormick hardware has them and Lionel sells a wiring kit for their TPC's or something that will work. It's called TMCC wire adapters or something like that? Some have suggested cutting off the connector and using spade connectors, I chose the adaptor cables as I didn't want to cut off the connectors.
3.) If you get the adapter from McCormick, it will be marked with red and black wires. Not sure about Lionel's. I'll see if I can dig out more info.
Here's a thread on the hot and common wires.
Lionel 180w Powerhouse transformer Hot/Neutral
gunrunnerjohn and maybe others have posted part numbers to make your own connectors, if you want those I will look around some more, I have them around here somewhere.