Hello Tinplate world Voltamp with it's introduction into the electric toy train world was quick to offer small,medium and large trains to incorporate all economic levels . Voltamp's big steamer line up 2100, 2222, and 2500 normally get all the praise. The 2220 is the smallest of the Voltamp steam line ..and the next step up was the 2200....offered from roughly 1909-1915 available with or without tender ...without tender a switcher version ( running boards no cow catcher) was also offered. The lowly rarely seen 2200 is runt of the big steamers .... this example dates to 1912 ..early frame , reverse in cab , later motor ....this was part of "Voltamp" grouping that had many years of adverse storage conditions ... also found with combine and caboose .... back on the tracks again with the help from the Voltamp whisperer . Voltamp is 2" gauge ..2 rail ..running on DC
here is a link for the action pack video of the 2200 polishing the rails