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Originally Posted by AMCDave:

Originally Posted by aubv:
Flat Iron Building!!! When the wife and I were collecting Dept 56 I wanted that one....never got it. Now we don't have room for it and it sits in boxes....need to sell it of I guess.....looks good!!!

Thank you. With the current LED lights available using,  Dept 56 buildings certainly is much easier. Now, if someone could just explain the proportion of the people to the MFG!
Last edited by aubv

Took the family to Huckleberry RR in Flint Michigan the day after Christmas to ride the holiday train.   Tons of fun, and the kids had a blast on the train.  Even took my son up to the front of the train to see the old "Mudhen" and he was in total amazement!  He even was able to speak to the engineer and fireman and he though that was the coolest thing ever!  


I wish I had time to bring the tripod and get some better photos of the train but it was a family trip so photography time had to wait.  












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Scott, when you're transporting a lot of rolling stock and multiple locomotives to your church (or elsewhere), what do you use to protect them ..... the item's original boxes/foam or something else?  To conserve space I've tried rolling them in bubble wrap and putting everything in a suitcase or carry-on.  Always looking for better ideas.  Thanks.

We had a "between Christmas & New Year" party last night. We have the simplest of layouts around the tree but it was the focus of most of the conversation for much of the night. "What are those old passenger cars made of". "What year were they made." "Can I run them?" "How does the whistle work?"

It was fun but more than that it proved to me that adults are still interested in electric trains. Even if they are running on a simple oval.

Happy New Year Forum members. Don



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