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I am wondering about the weight specifications of Lionel locomotives.  Anyone know where to find?  What are the specifics for the typical 0-8-0 included in an RTR set?  Also, what are the specs for the Berkshire Jr (2-8-4, Three Rivers, Rio Grande, Horseshoe Curve)?  Mikado Jr (2-8-2, Union Pacific, Pennsylvania)?  Does the weight directly translate to pulling power, number of cars it can lead?  Thanks.

Original Post

I don't think there is any weight specs.  Some Lionel Die cast locos are "Top HEavy" and can easily roll over such as the scale turbine.


Finally, just because a loco has more weight doens't mean better pulling power. that depends on what is being used to translate the weight into traction force. For example, The Scale turbine of 1991 had a LOT of weight but could hardly pull becasue there was no gripo between the steel tires and the rails. The loco was missing some sort of traction tirethat would have it effectively pulled more cars.

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