Did my semi-annual workbench tidying. In addition, here are some works in progress: 
L-R: The MTH semaphore received a new arm and screw terminal (incidentally, the Lionel semaphore arm can be used on an MTH signal, but the mounting hole needs to be drilled out to accommodate the larger pin used); the Lionel signal and gate were cleaned and checked, with parts to be ordered from Train Tender; the 068 mast was transformed from a twisted heap of wreckage to a slightly dented heap of wreckage (again, a mast top and warning buck will be ordered from TT); and the Marx crossing gate was the recipient of a solenoid coil rewinding, which was a rather entertaining activity involving Bic mechanical pencils... 
The silver baggage car in the foreground is a former Pennsy unit, odd man out with my MPC heavyweights but a perfect match for my Amtrak consist once I order decals. Incidentally, I found the recommendation for Rustoleum American Accents Silver Metallic spray here on OGRR, and it is a very good match for the Amtrak units...

Naturally, Shop Supervisor Norma Bates Kitteh was on hand to ensure all the work was performed properly. 