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Thanks! My first time using the peel paint look. Spray a little hairspray on the base coat and then put on your final coat over that. You're now ready to destroy your project by scrapping off the paint. It turned out much better than I anticipated. Learned the technique from the military model guys. They are great at weathering and paint peeling.


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MTH - this Hudson in not painted - well, it is below the waist, but not the main castings (the nose fin only had been painted, however). I found it disassembled on eBay some years ago, minus all boards, with the little boiler/tender parts in plastic bags.There were almost no screws in the box, but I had all that I needed left over from my scratch-bashing activities (except the main boiler screws, which I found at Ace Hardware). I put ERR Cruise Commander in it, no sound, no smoke; operating coil coupler.

Lately I decided to letter it, and emulated the 5445 in Mercury service, as shown in 2 photos in Know Thy Hudsons. Apparently, cast zinc has the NYC Century gray dead to rights.  The builders plates and the oval came in a bag, as well as the brass coupler cover. The piping was in place.


No casting paint here either. Brass coal cover doors.


Still no paint. The white stripes and aluminum lettering follow the prototype photos well enough. The road name is from an old Walthers NYC set.


Actually, it is painted now - it had 2 coats of Glosscote applied after I assembled and cleaned it, and some Dullcote after the decaling.

As received a few years back. I have trouble resisting this sort of thing. Enjoyable.



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Re-started my S2 project......and then re-stopped........

The CEO was otherwise occupied today so except for a small detour to the MIL's house to hang a drape, I had some time at the bench today. Some mid-afternoon rain helped the cause as well.

I did the truck assembly, installed the frames, pilots, pick up wires, and Lionel electro-couplers.
Speaker and prog/run switch went into the fuel tank and the tank was installed.

I wired up the motors and tested them, again all is moving in the right direction.

Then I took a good look at the Cruise-commander and railsounds boards and the a aforementioned stop occurred. It doesn't look like the boards will fit under the small narrow hood of the S2...... I tried various arrangements but even if I could fit the boards, forget about connecting any wires. I even considered putting the RS board in the cab but then the engineer and conductor would have to run the train from the back porch.

So unless I'm missing the obvious then I may drop back and punt on this engine getting an ERR upgrade and might try a Flyer-chief or Lionchief board.

At least I got to see it move.....

To be continued......



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2024-09-01 15.54.57

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