Mike G, I cut it (shaped it ) after making a pattern of the camber on deck. Thx for your interest sir.
Ben L Maggi, nice work on the BAR converted troop sleeper caboose! Cool.
I have shifted some gears today, I have a vintage( not aware of manufacturer or era? Early can motor job! ) boxcab that was a display model with the idea it would appear on the float job. It’s two rail, mostly all metal construction, now on the workbench. It never ran when obtained ( two decades ago?). Has two can motors and derlin chains and nylon gears. Yesterday I opened it up. Dirt and grime! Under the circumstances it would not run. Picture to follow.
Started by a good cleaning, top to bottom. Removed the motors and check for any obvious first sight irregularities. I didn’t photograph the bottom but take my word for it Gunk city! The toothbrush I used was in full use.

Gears had some gunk, chains had it too. I got it to the point where the motors were happily (well, moving at least) spinning. I put the motors back into the chassis and the spinning wheels now met with a dremel spinning on low with a polishing atatchment. Placed it on the track and it moved doing the jerk like the 60’s dance! The motors moved in sync somewhat!
I decided to clean it again. When done it needed a tiny bit of lubrication, certainly appreciated as it was dry as a desert! With the motors taken off again The wheels and chains moved freely on both trucks. One significantly easier than the other. A slight bit of resistance remained in spite of the cleaning and lube efforts. There were no breaks in the chains, no gear irregularities seen. A bit of wheel wobble as seen in the next video.
What I see is the possibility of axle irregularity.
more on this story after lunch.