I've said in the past there are times I feel like every train I own is on the workbench. This is one of those times.
First, I've got a K-Line 4-6-2 New York Central No. 3010 hauling the milk train around the layout. The air whistle in the tender was a little slow to respond and at times a little weak. I pulled the shell to see if a little lube would help the situation. With the shell off I activated the whistle and held it for 15-20 seconds to give the whistle some exercise. The next time I activated the whistle I got no response at all. I think my problem lies in the MDK-031 circuit board that controls the whistle but I lack sufficient knowledge to trouble shoot the board. I guess I'll have to search for a replacement board. Trainz, the current repository for K-Line parts left after the company's demise does not have one listed. Any suggestions on trouble shooting or alternative replacements would be appreciated.
Next is a new to me Weaver Genuine Ford Parts 50 foot box car that I picked up to go along with the Mopar and Chevy Parts box cars I already owned.

These Weaver box cars run pretty light so I need to add weight to NMRA standards and paint the scribed black plastic a more realistic wood tone. I've done this to the other two already. This should be a relatively easy one but it's still on the work bench.
Lastly, I really like the K-Line Plymouth switchers but I don't usually like the price tags on the secondary market. This guy was on eBay with a 3 car set at a starting bid of $100. I checked the listing to make sure it was a functioning engine and placed a bid I was comfortable making without checking all the pictures. Well this little guy has some issues. Missing pilot foot board, one missing ladder rail, a bent handrail along the hood and both front marker lights are broken off.

Here's the good news. Last year I won an eBay auction for a lot of Plymouth parts from NYC No. 80. Included in that lot was cab, hood, foot boards, and the missing and bent handrails. Yeah! I also found the marker lamps, without lenses, on Trainz.com. All I have to do is figure out how to change and procure the broken light bulbs. My biggest concern is the lobster claws, front and back. I have two other Plymouths, One came in a set with ore cars and still wears "scale" couplers front and back because the ore cars have the same "scale" couplers. The other came to me with the "scale" coupler on the front and a lobster claw on the rear and a spare lobster claw for the front, no spare "scale" coupler. I would not mind the lobster claws on my new Plymouth but all three pieces of rolling stock that came in the set are equipped with scale couplers. These cars appear to be S scale and look great behind the Plymouth but won't be interchanging with any other equipment I own so I need to get some "scale" couplers for this Plymouth. The issue is K-Line had their own 'scale" couplers manufactured. The ones on the rolling stock are very similar to Kadees but the couplers on the switcher mount differently than any Kadee I've seen. See the little tabs on the side for the mounting screws. If I can't find a pair of replacements I'll have to come up with some sort of alternative.