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Dallas, nice work. So are you a PRSL guy? My parents never drove and that is how we would get from Philadelphia to Cape May when I was of single digit age.

Honesty being the best policy TH......I justfell in love with that little 4 wheeled girl. ( I'd have bought it even if it had said " I'M A DIESEL RR. " did have Pennsylvania as part of the name though  )

@RSJB18 posted:

Looks good Dallas. Glad it went back together with no issues.

We all had faith, just had to have some fun at your expense. 🙄🙄


Got it Bob............I too had fun with everyone's replies.  

The comradery on the Forum is awesome.

Honesty being the best policy TH......I justfell in love with that little 4 wheeled girl. ( I'd have bought it even if it had said " I'M A DIESEL RR. " did have Pennsylvania as part of the name though  )

Got it Bob............I too had fun with everyone's replies.

The comradery on the Forum is awesome.

The switcher runs great, Dallas.  Was it over engineered, ie. were there parts left over?  It’s happened to me. 😁

Made some progress on my Weaver RS3 upgrade. I had to fabricate a bracket to mount the board vertically. The board is wider than the shell so it can't lay flat on the frame. I added a piece of styrene for insulation. I'll mount the board with two-face tape.
I bought a small assortment of metric screws recently which has already paid dividends to mount the bracket.
Extended the wires for the power and ground from the trucks after correcting the backwards colors (red was ground, black hot) and sorted out the polarity for the motors to get rotation correct. The LC board only has one motor output so I am wiring them in series.

2024-04-09 13.31.042024-04-09 18.35.51



Images (2)
  • 2024-04-09 13.31.04
  • 2024-04-09 18.35.51
Last edited by RSJB18

Still working to get your MEDICAL DEGREE Bob ? 

Looks like this is YOUR TURN for a FUN week sir.

What did you chose for your bracket ?    Things are looking pretty clean and organized.

Dallas- I had an old cover from a DVR that I've used before. Couldn't find it despite my digging today. It did force me to clean up a few things tho.

I have some J channel for drywall work that I cut a piece from. Just took off the hook of the J to make an L. 😎

Just call me Dr. Trains......🤣🤣

@Mark Boyce posted:

Nice looking bracket, Dr. Bob!  It may have taken me quite a while to think outside the box enough to even realize I could mount the bracket vertically!  This fall, will mark 50 years since I started my first electronics course in college, and somehow I keep forgetting electrons can flow uphill! 

My electrons keep flowing ( or falling ) to my feet Mark .       Dr. Bob seems to have this operation covered.

( we'll have to see if the patient survives. )

@RSJB18 posted:

Dallas- I had an old cover from a DVR that I've used before. Couldn't find it despite my digging today. It did force me to clean up a few things tho.

I have some J channel for drywall work that I cut a piece from. Just took off the hook of the J to make an L. 😎

Just call me Dr. Trains......🤣🤣

The doctor is in the house! You really do have great innovative talent Bob.

Went back down to the bench after dinner last night. I wanted to see the engine move, so I spliced the motor wires temporarily and set it on the track. Other than needing to reverse the polarity, the engine runs surprisingly well.
The engine is paired up with the Universal Remote. I've tested the LC app and it works with that as well. Just can't use the app on my phone and shoot a video at the same time. I have an old phone that I use for the LC app but it was dead at the time.



Videos (1)
2024-04-09 22.11.49
Last edited by RSJB18

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