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Build a puzzle and flip through the new Lionel catalog, build a fire and watch movies.

Man I haven't done a puzzle in 20 years.  This will be fun and when done I'll mount it and hang down in the train room.

Bought it at FRED'S TRAIN SHOP & picked up the hard copy of 2018 Lionel catalog , code word Dreambook. Dogs up on the couch with me.

Got a fire going, BJ takes care of that, 20180210_15020220180210_14474720180210_141612 and "GEOSTORM" ON the Tele .  Living life large .

And to top it off, my Train Wreck Recovery Set finally was delivered by USPS that I bought on Ebay Jan 28th, got stuck at kc ks distributn center, aughhhhhh. I wouldn't want to get stuck there

Good things happen in 3's.i. 


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C8A47A0A-2CB1-49A0-81DE-64A03B6F7749Rainy now, but wasn’t bad this morning. Spent the morning feeding my other habit at a toy show in The Fuge, an old research facility in Warminster. Just picked up some inexpensive odds and ends that will be decorating my desk and basement. There was a low end Lionel car on one table, but I left it there. I did grab a 1:43 model of the Jokermobile, which will end up on my layout.


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Its raining cats and dogs here in TN.  Earlier I went to Home Depot and bought a tool box/ work station to put under our layout!  Fit like a glove! Then I spent part of the evening putting tools in it and some trains in the top drawer.  Trying to get the new train room in order! What a mess!  New layouts are fun!  20180210_143656


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Well, the typical Feb day here is 60-80 degrees, I spent mine working in the front yard blowing the dirt from construction sites nearby which was clogging my decorative rock. I also added a picaxe fire barrel and another welder to the layout. NOW, a single malt scotch as peruse the forum. Gotta love a productive day, but that joker mobile was awesome.

Today it was in the mid 30's here. Not a great day for outside activity, so I go online, watch TV a bit and head to the basement where layout wiring remains the last item to be done. Just in the last two months, seven block signals, a target signal, a rail yard control tower, a working switching tower, an MTH coaling tower, lighted wood coaling tower, aux power feeds, and all the sensors were wired in. Next step is get power to the two towns (one industrial , one residential) that need to be lighted. Making progress but probably wont get the switch machines wired in until next season. When that's finished I'll just light up the cigar and say done;  or is a layout ever done?

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