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Hi guy's.  I have a puffer type smoke unit I put in my Ice Cold Express box car with ice cold affect to replace the cheep one Lionel put in.  My question is I run 98% command control and with a constant 18V going to the track I'm afraid I could burn out the puffer unit which is not usually subjected to that type of voltage Being used in a conventional setting.   Is their something I could use to reduce the voltage going to the smoke unit?    

Last edited by Chris Lonero
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One way is to use a diode(s).

Find the minimum voltage that produces the desired amount of smoke. Then use Dale H.'s method of a diode dropper to reduce 18v to the desired voltage. These may be a little big and they do get warm.  Although, just one diode may work, cutting the voltage in half to 9 volts. Most Lionel conventional smoke units start to work nicely at 7v - 9v.


Did you view Eric's Trains mod of the ice car effect? Shoot him an email to find his configuration.

Last edited by Moonman

Radio Shack has them 2 for $1.99.


Considering you only need 1, U.S. mail order from the usual suspects (,  etc.) will be more after shipping...though there's a recent thread in the Electrical forum about filling out a DigiKey order.


Or if you can wait a couple weeks, 3A diodes are 10 for 99 cents with free shipping from Asia on eBay (enter "1N5402" in search box).

Last edited by stan2004
Originally Posted by Chris Lonero:

I did see Eric's video and dropped him a note a couple of weeks ago but never heard back. I don' know much about diodes or rectifiers. i would like to keep it as simple as possible with maybe a basic diagram. 

All he did was repack it with more wadding and extend the fill pipe. Looks like the stock unit works ok. Watch from 17:09. Eric's Trains Ice Cold Express Review

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