I have 10 5vPS2 engines and am in the process of converting them all to BCR's. The first 6 done...so far so good! But, I realize the component cap quality issues, so the worst may yet happen someday.
In making the conversion to the first six, I noted that some of them have the characteristic round socket external charging port. Of course, I won't be using this feature after the conversion to BCR. But, I can't recall whether mention has been made as to whether this port should now be removed or otherwise made 'null and void'. I wonder about the next owner of the engine. If someone plugged a charger into the port now, would this cause damage to the charging circuit, the BCR,...whatever? I can't recall this step having been discussed in prior threads/responses regarding the 5vPS2 concerns.
Or, should a sticker be placed over the charging port with some sort of comment, like 'BCR enclosed. Do not externally charge!'. That way, if someone wanted to revert back to battery (but why?) they could remove the sticker and resume external charging.
BTW...I have about a dozen PS1's that have all been converted to the BCR. Still running/sounding just fine.
And, IMHO, I think bringing any engine slowly up to about 10v (idle) for at least one minute when first applying power for operation is a good practice all around. After all, in the 1:1 world I sincerely doubt the Super Chief would depart the station if the locomotive had just been powered up within seconds! Pressures, temperatures, etc., probably need several minutes...minimum...to reach stable optimums. Besides, I know it's also a good practice in starting the family car.