Lately I have had an idea for a bash project. It would be pretty big, that is if it would work. My plan is to make a 2-16-4
(oOOOOOOOOoo) steam locomotive. It would most likely be made of two "WbB" Berkshires, but only the chassis and maybe boiler front would be used. I would create the boiler and cab from scratch. The good thing about not being a real train is that I have complete freedom in the design process. I would put some nice smoke effects and Legacy control.
As the title says, is this possible? I know that the two eight wheel segments would not be able to make a curve in there factory state, but if I used a dremel to grind of the two flanges, would it make a 072 curve? I think it would, but you guys would know better than me. Any imput will be much appreciated. Thank you all in advance!
I will try to get some pictures of my initial sketches later.