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Lately I have had an idea for a bash project. It would be pretty big, that is if it would work. My plan is to make a 2-16-4

 (oOOOOOOOOoo) steam locomotive. It would most likely be made of two "WbB" Berkshires, but only the chassis and maybe boiler front would be used. I would create the boiler and cab from scratch. The good thing about not being a real train is that I have complete freedom in the design process. I would put some nice smoke effects and Legacy control.


As the title says, is this possible? I know that the two eight wheel segments would not be able to make a curve in there factory state, but if I used a dremel to grind of the two flanges, would it make a 072 curve? I think it would, but you guys would know better than me. Any imput will be much appreciated. Thank you all in advance!


I will try to get some pictures of my initial sketches later. 

Last edited by Harry's Trains
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If articulated, as stated above, it would look like something already available (and capable of doing 72 inch curves). So, that, the 2-16-4 designation you used, and the fact you talk about grinding off flanges, leads me to think you mean a non-articulated. I have though a good about this, mainly because I have seriously thought of dping much the same thing to make a model of the Soviet-era AA20-1, a 4-14-4.  


Yes, you could do it.  If I were doing it I would not grind the flanges off, but buy or find or buy blind (flangeless) wheels and switch them out.  Regardless, my comments are:

- It would be possible to do.  The chassis, etc, particularly if working with a WBB product, would not be hard to make.  

- The boiler/cab,etc. would be no more difficult than some I've bashed so this, too, would be possible, just a lot of work (to make it look good).

- The loco would be capable of negotiating curves of some diameter of curve, depending on how many blind drivers it had, where they were, and where the flanged dirvers where.  I am not certain it could do 72 - maybe only 96 or so - and if it could it would probably look silly.  Realize the UP 4-12-2 had blind drivers that hang completely off the rails on a curve - this would have two more sets of wheels.


It would be an interesting project to make, but a lot of work for a loco that you probably could not run much.  



Last edited by Lee Willis

Hello guys and gals..


i dreamed and dreamed for years to make a 2-12-4 using 61 inch drivers and using the 

brass Sunset 3rd S.F. 5011's boiler, trailing truck ,pony truck and cylinder. I dont have the machinst skill to make frame for that Oh well.  The 61 inch drivers can be used from the USRA Mikado and the siderods too. Oh such a dream i had for long time. 



Originally Posted by ReadingFan:

How about a 4-8-2 + 2-8-4 East African Railways Class 59 Beyer-Garratt?


I don't really like the look of those locomotives. I did come up with an idea for two small steam engines facing opposite directions with a single tender connecting them in the middle. I decided that was kind of weird, though. Maybe in the future.

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